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Mpowered to Succeed

​Your 1:1 coaching will include a Self-Care Menu designed specifically for YOU based on your symptoms.  A self-care menu is a thoughtfully crafted collection of activities and practices that you can choose from that will nurture your well-being. Just like a restaurant menu offers a variety of dishes to satisfy different tastes, a self-care menu provides a range of options to address various aspects of your health and wellness, prioritizing your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Self-care menu
You call the shots

Mpowered to Tune In and Turn Off

What coping mechanisms do you use to deal with stress?

​Are there situations that you know that trigger emotional eating?

​We'll talk about them.

Mpowered to Stay Hydrated

Our bodies are 75% water.  Are you getting enough clear water during the day?  Hydration is crucial for menopausal women due to several reasons, such as: reduce hot flashes and night sweats, maintain skin suppleness, reduce joint pain, aid in digestion, balance electrolytes, and prevent urinary issues. So, drink up!

Drink clear water all day
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